Friday, September 9, 2011

Bad Day

Man, oh Molly I am in so much pain.  Dr. Hicks drained 450 cc of fluid from the seroma and added 60 more cc of fluid into the breast expander.  Then he wanted me to put the extra pads on the lateral portion of the chest to add pressure and potentially reduce fluid production because he thinks that is where the fluid starts.  The problem is that is the most tender part of my breast and the pads add to the pressure of the added fluid in the expander.  So my chest aches and I feel like if I can just squirm enough maybe I can get into a position where I don't want to cry.  Then with the rainy cooler weather all of my joints hurt.  Do I stay still or do I keep moving?   Either way I hurt and can't find a comfortable position.  I go back in on Tuesday for more fluid.  At that point we will decide if I can tolerate it or if we need to slow down.

I saw the OT for a lymphedema evaluation today. There is more extra fluid in my hand than anywhere else.  She said that is actually a good sign.  She took measurements and gave me a pressure glove to wear on my right hand at night.  I go back in on Sunday to start treatment.  When I was doing hand therapy thirty years ago they didn't even use the term lymphedema and it was treated entirely differently.  From what I know now I shudder to think of the damage we probably were causing to the lymph system.  It was good to be able to ask her questions on how to protect the limb and concerns I have had about using the arm and hand.

I experimented going without my hat in public today since I only had medical appointments.  It didn't make me as uncomfortable as I thought it would but I am not ready to try it at work.  I have an appointment with my hairdresser for next Friday.  When I called her I told her I wasn't sure if she would be able to even the hair I have out.  We decided to do the appointment and let her see what is going on.  I also trust her to be honest about how she thinks I look.

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