Thursday, May 31, 2012

No more Aromasin

Thank goodness my oncologist stopped the Aromasin yesterday.  I am looking forward to not hurting all of the time.  Even if it doesn't make a major difference at least I know that I need to go back to the rheumatologist and approach it from an autoimmune standpoint.  It will be nice not to walk like a 90 year old.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

April and May projects

I have posted my April and May necklace projects on my creativity blog.  As far as I know they will be the last of the cancer themed projects.  I think I have said everything I had to say.  You can see the projects here.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Summer Plans

I have been planning to have my mastectomy site revised this summer. As the time fast approaches for me to make an appointment with the surgeon and get scheduled I've decided I don't want to. I am having a hard time even thinking about going back into a hospital and having a surgery. And I don't want to think about any recovery issues. We start semester classes this fall and have a short summer to get ready. I definitely don't want to take the chance of a slow recovery or complications. Heaven knows I am prone to complications. It was a great surprise to me that I could actually make this decision. I can't figure out why. It's not like the surgery was going to change anything except make the surgical site neater.