Saturday, November 5, 2011

Expander Blues

There has been no real progress on the cellulitis even with the Invanz and the doctors have decided the expander needs to come out. With only three weeks of the quarter left I wanted to wait until after Thanksgiving. They agreed to that as long as I stayed on antibiotics. After that decision was made Nan and Shanese e-mailed me their plan to cover for me so I could go ahead and schedule the surgery.

I was speechless, stunned and totally grateful. They have been awesome all along but this went above and beyond the call of duty. It has been a real struggle to keep going. The IV antibiotics give me a permanent headache. I am half nauseated all the time - not enough to throw up or take anything but enough to feel yucky. My muscles and joints have been increasingly painful. It was a major task to walk in and out of campus.

I called Dr. Hicks office yesterday and left the message that if he thought the expander really needed to come out I wanted to go ahead and get it scheduled. So surgery is scheduled for next Thursday. I stopped all antibiotics today. Yeah! No benadryl to make me sleepy. I could stay up past 8:00 cause I didn't feel wiped out. Status quo on the joints & muscles but at least they are not worse.

Now I just need to get all my grading done. I have made good progress this weekend.

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