Sunday, October 16, 2011

Drama, drama, drama

My visit to see Dr. Hicks on Friday was full of surprises. I knew we were going to have to do something more aggressive because the cellulitis was looking worse than when we started. I was kind of expecting hospitalization for IV antibiotics but then he added surgery to the mix. He was afraid that the fluid in the breast area was infected. We hadn't drained any in a while because he didn't want to do it in the office. So I was admitted to Kettering early Friday afternoon and had a surgical draining and culture of the fluid Saturday morning. It was a short surgery, 26 minutes. Dr. Hicks was pleased there was no visible infection other than redness of the tissue. Now I have to stay in the hospital until the cultures are back, expected to be Monday, to see if they can tell us anything specific about a successful antibiotic. The current plan is to go home tomorrow potentially with a pic line and IV antibiotic. The infectious diseases specialist (doesn't that sound dramatic?) was just in. He thinks the cellulitis is looking better-less of a clear cut edge and a little less red. I didn't think it looked any better but I trust his eye over mine.

On a whiny note I am bored and I itch all over, no rash, just annoying itching. It is amusing to me that the nurses don't think I take enough pain medication. Who knew nurses were drug pushers? Most of the pain is from the fibromyalgia so I sort of feel I am taking it under false pretenses. Yeah, I know, I am weird.

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