The worst part of the chemo so far was accessing the port. Of course it was just put in yesterday afternoon and was sore. On line the needle they use on the port looks like it is about 1/4 inch long. It was almost an inch long and really looked like a spike. Dr. Romer prescribed a cream that will numb the area for next time.
I started out with saline, and three anti-nausea drugs. Then I was given adriamycin. I didn't understand how the adriamycin was to be given. The nurse had these two really big syringes of the drug. (They looked like turkey basters when I saw them but I know they really weren't THAT big.) She literally sat there and pushed the drug into the port. That must be why they call it a push. Then they gave the cytoxin by IV. The whole process took about 2 and 1/2 hours. I read a book on my IPad, nibbled on peanut butter crackers and took a nap. I had a little bit of a headache and felt unsteady on my feet when I left. I have had some trouble with nausea since I got home but not bad. I'm not fond of the headache which persists. That might be something we can control by taking the cytoxin more slowly next time.
On a positive note I got my last two hats today. The newsboy hat is really cute and looks good. I got a bucket hat that is very casual. I ordered what was supposed to be a cloch from another company. It is flat on top and definitely looks like a chemo hat. It has a felt flower on it. I am adding beads. I'm also looking for some new funky or outrageous earrings to go with the coming bald head and the hats.
My daughter Becky is absolutely awesome. She takes good care of me and goes away when I want her to. :)
LOL...Got to love Becky. She is just like you in a lot of ways. She knows her momma!!