Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Yeah, I can walk!!! Of course my back, knees and hips are stiff after more than 2 weeks without walking. I was planning to go into campus today but I was walking like a pretzel and was a little unsteady when I got home. I decided to walk around the house a lot today and work the kinks out and go to work in the morning. It is so wonderful to be able to just stand up and go to another part of the condo if I want to.

Yesterday I attempted 5 times, no kidding, to write about the upcoming breast reconstruction surgery. The paragraph kept getting deleted between the preview and posting. So here it goes again.

The surgery is scheduled for 7:30 am on the 15th. I confirmed that it will be outpatient because they do use general anesthesia. When we were discussing it the plastic surgeon said there would be too much pain to consider doing it over a long weekend once school starts. That makes me nervous because doctors usually down play the pain bit. On the internet it says everything from horrible pain to regular tylenol will take care of it. The one thing everyone seems to agree on is that if you are thin the pain is worse. It is one time I am glad to be heavy.

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