I am bored with myself. My life seems reduced to either a good day or a bad day. There has to be something else going on. Oh yeah, Leo followed Suzy in her spring wondering so now I have no cats. He has been crazy trying to get out since Suzy has been gone. Maybe he is looking for her.
Today was Jane's retirement party. Her present is the beading project I have been working on. Unfortunately I wasn't able to work on it enough to get it finished in time for the party. I had to give her a present IOU. Bummer. It was great to see all of the current students and graduates that came.
Dr. Termuhlen and I have decided to see if we can't promote some scarring in the mastectomy site so it will stop producing fluid. So the plan is to inject the site with some medications to promote "irritation" in the site so it will scar. It is supposed to "sting." I hate it when doctors use words like that. What exactly does that mean? . It means I take a vicodin before the procedure. It sounds like a crazy thing to do but so is getting my breast drained every week.
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