Saturday, March 10, 2012


Many women in the breast cancer community are so angry.  Angry at the cancer, at the possibility of metastasis specifically of the breast cancer, at the deaths of others, of all of the losses that happen personally.  I don't want to live with that kind of anger.  It takes too much energy that I would prefer to use for other things. 

Although I know that metastasis of the breast cancer is pretty much a death sentence this is not unique to breast cancer.  The medical community does not know how to treat it for any cancer.  My husband, David, died of metastatic colon cancer.  Once the metastasis was discovered we knew that their was no further effective treatment.  I am for research on metastasis in general, not just breast cancer.  I guess dealing with his death has broadened my perspective.  I don't want anyone to die the way David did.  And I don't want anyone to have to stand on the sidelines and watch.